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FEBRUARY 6, 2012

6:30PM                                                                                  Memorial Hall

Chairman Robert Lavigne, Kenneth O’Brien, Anthony Renzoni, Kenneth Lipka, James Jumonville

Others Present: 
Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager
Stephen Madaus, Town Counsel
Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Chairman Lavigne opened the meeting at 6:30PM.  

  • Selectmen Appointments, Licenses and Permits
The Manager asked the Selectmen to vote to confirm her reappointment of Michael Scott to the Conservation Commission to a term expiring 12/31/2014.

  • Town Manager’s Miscellaneous
  • The Manager presented the Board with an update on the Upper Blackstone Water Treatment Abatement District Federal Appeal Court Ruling.  The Town is a member of the UBWTAD for the disposal of its sewage.  The EPA issued a discharge permit in 2008 which would have required the District to expend over $200 million in capital costs and $5 million in annual operating costs.  The member communities appealed the permit requirements based on the failure of the EPA to use the most recent scientific information.  On January 12, 2012, the appeals court directed the parties to mediation on the dispute.  This will require the EPA to begin the discussion on the scientific data which is believed to indicate that the measures specified in the 2008 permit are not necessary.  If the District is required to comply with the permit, the financial impact on taxpayers would be significant.  The City of Worcester estimates that the average ratepayer would pay approximately $225/year.  The Board reviewed a memo from DPW Director Woodsmall on details regarding the decision.  Sel. Renzoni said the Water/Sewer Advisory Committee had discussed this ongoing court action and were pleased with the ruling.  Sel. O’Brien commented that the Upper Blackstone River is the dirtiest river in the State and is in need of help.  He said as an outdoorsman and a ratepayer whose taxes the decision would affect; he was very torn by the court ruling.  The river needs environmental help, but who should pay?   Sel. Lipka concurred adding that the river has been polluted for over 30 years with heavy metals from industrial use.  He said that Federal Representatives need to become involved with the resources and expenses involved in the EPA’s proposed clean-up.  Sel. O’Brien suggested send a letter to the Town’s federal congressmen and senators.  The Manager said the Town should wait before involving the federal government.  Chairman Lavigne suggested adding this item to the Board’s agenda for a future meeting.  Mr. Mark Elbag, Water/Sewer Superintendent said that a final decision would be reached within the next several months.  The Manager said that any increases come out of the Town’s assessment.  The money cannot be borrowed as a capital expenditure.  
  • The Manager informed the Board that the CodeRed emergency notification system has been enhanced to provide service outside of the area for those residents who currently use an iPhone.  Any citizen who is travelling in another part of the country will be able to receive CodeRed emergency notifications in that area.  The App is available in the iTunes Store for free download.  The technology should be available for android phones in the near future.
  • The Manager announced that the Gale Free Library’s new phone system had been installed.  This was the last phase of the phone system upgrade approved at the last town meeting.  The main numbers at the library are: Front Desk 508-210-5562; Children’s Room 508-210-5564; and Reference Desk 508-210-5564. The main town number to reach all offices is 508-210-5500.  The Town will engage in notifying residents about the new number changes via the press and a flyer in utility bills.
  • The Board reviewed the Town Election Calendar.
  • Town Manager Galkowski said that any recommendations for dedication of the annual town report should be submitted to her office by February 17, 2012
  • The Board reviewed the latest balance in the Snow and Ice Account.  The current balance is $121,425.  Any remaining money at the end of the budget cycle must be rolled into Free Cash.
  • The Board reviewed the Revenue and Expenditure Report for the period ending December 2011 as prepared by Town Accountant Lori Rose.
The Board interrupted Town Manager’s Miscellaneous to proceed with Citizens’ Address at 7PM.

  • Citizens’ Address
No one came forward to address the Board.

2.   Town Manager’s Miscellaneous (reopened)

  • The Manager announced that a decision had been reached with the all unions and town employees regarding the enrollment in a new GIC health plan.  The Manager thanked all employees for their diligence and cooperation during the negation process.  The new plan will provide both employees and the town significant savings while maintaining a commitment to continuing to provide quality health care.
  • The Manager said that she intended to borrow for the Mountview Feasibility Study ($625,000), Public Safety Building ($200,000), and the Capital Budget for a new truck and fire apparatus ($325,000).  Half the money for the Mountview study will be reimbursed by the Massachusetts School Building Authority.
Chairman Lavigne interrupted Town Manager’s Miscellaneous to proceed with the WRSD School Committee Vacancy at 7:11PM.

  • WRSD School Committee Vacancy – Candidate Interviews
Chairman Lavigne publicly thanked former WRSD School Committee member Stephanie Goodwin for her service to the Town.

The Board thanked Richard McWaters, Erik Scheinfeldt, and Deidre Kosky for applying to the WRSD School Committee Vacancy.  Mr. McWaters was not in attendance at the meeting.

Mr. Scheinfeldt said he was a former graduate of the District who was interested in making meaningful contributions to the Committee and the District.  He currently is employed as an attorney and was familiar with municipal law.  He also said he was familiar with looking at both sides of a situation and that the ultimate goal of any decision was about the kids.  His top three concerns were money/budget, quality of the professional staff and what they are paid, and the culture that kids are growing up in these days.  He said he intended to seek a full term at the May Town Election.  He said he had not researched the District’s Revenue Task Force

Ms. Kosky said that her background in education and social services combined with her involvement with her children’s education through volunteer activities make her qualified to serve on the School Committee.  She said she considered herself a rational and well read individual who researches her decisions.  It is important to logically look at what both sides require but that the School Committee was there to support the kids.  She said if she was not appointed she intended to run for the vacancy at the May Town Election.  She said she had attended the School Committee’s retreat this past weekend as a member from the public.  She felt her top three concerns were budget, iPads, and having everyone come together. She said she had not had time to fully understand the District’s Revenue Task Force.

Sel. O’Brien commented that he intended to support Ms. Kosky because she advocated for kids and put their needs first.  Sel. Renzoni said that while both candidates were “tied” in his opinion, the fact that Ms. Kosky had attended the District’s retreat showed her dedication to the position.  The entire Board said that they were impressed with Mr. Scheinfeldt’s experience and encouraged him to run for one of the several school committee positions in May.


The Board took a 2-minute recess at 7:38PM.

  • Ambulance Rate Increase
The Manager reviewed information regarding the current fees the Town is charging for ambulance services and the revenues anticipated from these services.  A review of current revenues indicates that the Town will be raising less revenue than originally projected.  The projected revenue for FY2012 is $650,000.  However, based on the current trend, the Manager said that only $550,000 will be raised.  The reason is threefold: low rates, decreased utilization, and a change in reimbursement practices by BC/BS, a major health insurance provider.  The current rate structure has not been changed since 2009 and does not generate enough income to cover costs.  Ambulance rate structures in the industry are based on the Medicare ambulance rate plus a percentage.  The Towns of Westford and North Reading each provide full time ambulance service and are comparable to Holden.  Westford’s rates are set at Medicare rate plus 150% and North Reading’s rates Medicare plus 200%.  The Manager reviewed the current and projected EMS budgets.  The Manager said she was currently working with Rep. Ferguson to rectify an insurance reimbursement snafu with BC/BS within the legislation.  She recommended that the Selectmen vote to increase the ambulance rates to reflect Medicare plus 200% effective March 1, 2012.  Additionally, she also recommended that the ambulance rates be tied to the Medicare rates so that when the Medicare rates change, the Town’s rates would automatically change to reflect the increases.  The Board reviewed the proposed rates.  Fire Chief Chandler said he anticipated hiring for two vacant positions by the end of February.  He said that he had included an additional headcount for FY13.  The recommended rate increase would cover direct costs and allow the budget to break even.  Sel. O’Brien asked Chief Chandler help those who do not have health insurance but require ambulance service.  The Manager said the Town was in the process of working out a collection plan for those who require it.


  • Introduction of School Committee Liaison – Duncan Leith, Chairman of WRSD Committee
Chairman Lavigne thanked Mr. Leith for appointing himself as the school committee liaison to the Selectmen.  Mr. Leith encouraged residents to run for the school committee vacancies in May.  He discussed ways the District has saved over 7 million dollars through insurance, environmental, and school choice options over the past several years.  However, he said that the District is still the lowest funded school district in the Commonwealth.  He said that the District would like to work with the member towns to change the way the District budget is funded.

The Board thanked Mr. Leith for helping to keep the lines of communications open.  Sel. O’Brien said that while he considers himself a great supporter of public education, the District’s request for 48% of the Town’s budget was a non-starter and would not get anyone anywhere.  Holden’s tax levy will only increase by $884,229 for FY13.  Mr. Leith said that the Task Force was a starting place to begin discussion.  He said the District was not going to ask the Town’s to fund an iPad endeavor.   He encouraged residents to view the District’s 5-year budget plan at

  • Discussion - Representative to joint Town and WRSD Committee Revenue Sharing Task Force
The Manager presented a letter from Duncan Leith, Chair, Wachusett Regional School District Committee.  In his letter, Mr. Leith requests that the Selectmen join the District in a study to determine the feasibility of establishing a revenue sharing agreement to provide the basis for the District’s annual budget.  Town Manager Galkowski said that prior to making a decision whether to participate in the Task Force, she would like to address several budgetary inaccuracies surrounding the District’s request for an increase to their school budget.

The Board reviewed a letter from the Town Manager to address Holden’s Contribution to the WRSD in response to the financial information addressed during the District’s State of the District address on January 9, 2012.  The Manager suggested that the District should consider their other financial options available to them such as an override.  She said the Holden is run very financially frugally and have excellent employees that provide services at a good cost.  Sel. O’Brien said that one of the Manager’s skills is her financial management.  After some discussion regarding the Town’s stabilization and enterprise funds, Chairman Lavigne asked Sel. O’Brien to stay on topic of the task force discussion.  Sel. Renzoni said it comes down to defining wants and needs in a tough economy.  He said he would volunteer to serve on the Task Force.  Some type of conclusion needs to be met.  Sel. O’Brien said that he felt that Sel. Renzoni should also stay on the topic at hand.

Sel. Jumonville said that he had been in contact with several towns who would like to meet as a Regional Board to discuss the feasibility of joining the task force.  He recommended tabling the discussion until then.  

The Manager said she didn’t think there would be any harm in appointing a representative to the task force to look at the way the District should continue to do business.

Mr. Jim Dunn, Chair, Finance Committee asked what the task force would be charged to do?  He asked what the timing of the matter would be?  He did think that some type of discussion could generate budget projections to help predict the Districts future intentions.  He said that it was not practical or prudent for the Town to enter into a budget sharing concept.

Town Counsel said he thought it was a task force for conversation.  He said it would be a good idea to determine that the task force is a non-binding one.  What is the exact charge of the task force?  This might help determine who will best serve as a representative: a Finance Committee member, a Selectman, or a member of the public?

Mr. Leith said that any results from the task force would have to go before Town Meeting to amend the regional agreement and that any budgetary changes would not take place until FY14.  It is simply a way to start a conversation to better fund the towns.  

Chairman Lavigne said it was his preference to hold off appointing a representative until the next Board meeting to determine who will best serve on the task force.  He said he was only interested in what was best for Holden.  Mr. Dunn said that he see if there was any interest from Finance Committee members.

Sel. Renzoni asked the Manager to contact the Superintendent’s office to answer the questions generated during the Board’s discussion.  The Manager said she felt that a current or former member of the Finance Committee would be qualified.


The Board recessed the meeting at 8:55PM.

2.   Town Manager’s Miscellaneous (reopened)

  • The Board reviewed a report on the Solid Waste Program from Dennis Lipka, Director of Growth Management.  The program is currently running a $40,189 balance.  The Manager said that the Town was in negotiations with Casella and that she was in the process of reviewing the Town’s finances to insure that sufficient revenue existed to maintain a surplus of $60,000 on an annual basis.  The subject will be further discussed during the budget process.  Additionally, the Manager reported that the recycling container at the Adams Road site has collected 12.34 tons of recyclable material since its inception three months ago.
  • The Manager informed the Board regarding Municipalization Legislation H.3896 currently moving through the House, which would negatively impact the Holden Municipal Light Department if passed in its current form.  The bill seeks to make it easier for municipalities to form a new municipal light department.  The Manager said that while the Town has no objection to other municipalities having the same provisions as existing light departments in the State, the new provisions in the bill would negatively impact the HMLD and increase its customer’s costs.  One of the provisions would require the HMLD to meet renewable energy and alternate energy portfolio standards.  These types of provisions would limit the flexibility of the HMLD.  The Board reviewed a memo from HMLD Manager Jim Robinson on the major provisions of the legislation.  The Manager said her office has been actively working with Representative Ferguson and other municipal light departments to insure that the Town’s interests are protected.  The Manager encouraged the Selectmen and other interested parties to contact the Representative to express their concerns with the provisions of the legislation relating to existing light plants.  Sel. O’Brien suggested that the town establish a policy to incentivize those residents who use green energy.  Sel. Lavigne said it would be appropriate to invite Rep. Ferguson and HMLD Manager Robinson to address the Board at a future date.
  • Town Manager Review Process
Sel. Renzoni recommended that the Board vote to adopt the Town Manager Evaluation Format in order to conduct the Town Manager’s Review.  Sel. O’Brien said he felt that there were some items in the evaluation that were not relevant to the Manager’s job.  The Manager agreed to review and edit the evaluation and return it to the Board by February 20, 2012.  The Board will then conduct the evaluation and compile a report by early April.  The Board agreed to strike the numerical portion of the evaluation.  Board members were asked to provide comments in every section in order to provide feedback to the Manager.

  • Sel. Subcommittees
Sel. O’Brien: MSBC: Committee will meet again on February 28th  to review bids for architectural services for the feasibility study.
Open Space: Met with Master Plan Committee on January 17th.
Sel. Jumonville: Skate Park:
Memorial Day Parade: Will meet on Wednesday, February 15th  
Sel. Renzoni: Water/Sewer: Met early February.  Chairman Carlson officially resigned from the Committee after serving for 10 years.  The Committee is looking for new members.
Master Plan:
Sel. Lipka: Municipal Electric Advisory: Have not met.
Affordable Housing: Have not met.
Sel. Lavigne: PSBC: Met on February 1, 2012

  • Selectmen’s Miscellaneous
Sel. Renzoni: Inquired if there was a prepared list of all the rates and fees the Selectmen are responsible for setting?  The Manager said that a list did not exist and would have to be created for Sel. Renzoni.
2. Does the Holden Fire Department have a 100% understanding of the hydrant color coded marking system?  No, however gauges on the trucks allow the firemen to know the pressure the hydrant can produce.  The Chief will post a chart of the color coding system at the station.
3. Due to schedule conflicts and potential lack of quorum, the Board agreed to hold their second meeting in February on February 27, 2012.
4. The Manager will post the Board for Finance Committee Budget Meetings through the spring.

Sel. Jumonville: 1. The Friends of the Holden Council on Aging will hold their Valentine’s Cookie Sale on Friday, February 10th from 9AM till Gone!

Sel. O’Brien: 1. Asked the Manager to look into potential fees the Town is charging to the Resource Recycling for electronics collections.  

Sel. Lavigne: 1. Requested a list of all open committee vacancies in town.
2. Any small business can contact Sel. Lavigne to highlight their business on his Facebook page.

  • Acceptance of Previous Minutes
Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lipka, it was VOTED 4-0-1 WITH ONE ABSTAINED TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 17, 2012 MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED.  (Abstained: Lavigne.)

Motion by Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lipka, it was VOTED 3-0-2 WITH 2 ABSTAINED TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 17, 2012 INTERVIEW MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED.  (Abstained: Jumonville, Lavigne.)

  • Motion to Enter into Executive Session
Motion y Sel. Renzoni, seconded by Sel. Lipka, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 9:39PM TO DISCUSS NON UNION CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS AND RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION FOR ADJOURNMENT PURPOSES ONLY.  Roll Call:  Lavigne: yes; Jumonville: yes; Lipka: yes; Renzoni: yes; O’Brien: yes.

  • Adjournment
Motion by Sel. Lipka, seconded by Sel. Renzoni, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE FEBRUARY 6, 2012 MEETING AT 10:26PM.  

APPROVED: February 27, 2012